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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 5

Skipped 2 days to spend time with my bro jp at superfranks (basically a giant playground party for toddlers). Waiting for my wifee whos getting bubble tea drinks from a place called i-cafe.....if you haven't tried tapioca drinks, I highly recommend them!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 2.5

Stuck in a Finance class....why is money so boring!?! Going over bond values and bond pricing might just be the single most uninteresting information in the history of mankind......

Day 2

Just had a group meeting and our group project is starting to take form. Busy day today: Checked out a preschool, had lunch with some ex co-workers, went to the dentist, met with my group, and went to my super long Finance class (almost 3 hours long).....Had an epiphany today: Not having a steady income sucks! I felt guilty for buying a mocha today which hasn't happened since I was Jr. High. I have to stretch my meager savings for the next two years or get a small side job as a barista or club bouncer. Or I could be a bartender like my dad was during his college days at University of Hawaii, gotta get some Benjamins......

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 1: Why am I Doing this Again?

So I'm taking a class that has a E2.0 portion. I figure the best way to learn this material would be to apply some of the principles personally and a personal blog is similar to a Enterprise blog in a lot of ways. Both are full of BS and both don't make any money......Just for introductions sake, I am a stay at home dad in the mornings, student in the afternoons and early evening, and a hot mess at night due to the commute (I hate driving) and incessant consumption of Rock Stars (They had a Costco deal so I have 48 Rock Stars to consume). I am going to continue this blog for 2 years and see what becomes of it.......