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Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Spring Quarter is Ending

I am wrapping up my Spring quarter and am getting stressed out. I need to take a chill pill or I'm going to self implode. My problem is with taking tests, even if I know the information I am a horrendous test taker and it always hurts my final grade. Grad School needs to end soon or I am going to kill someone!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hello Allergies!

My son has level 1 egg white allergies and level 2 milk allergies. Not to mention his face swells up to the size of a goodyear blimp when he eats shrimp.....I feel bad that he is going to miss out on shrimp scampi pasta with cream sauce and will never taste meringue. :'(

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ethics? Who dat?

Was sitting in my Intellectual Property and Ethics class going over the different facets of ethical behavior in the workplace and personal space while downloading illegal songs on limewire and perusing online for nikes made in sweatshops by underage asian children. Ethics is hard.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Running out of time

The Spring quarter is winding down and Finance is giving me fits! I don't know if I'm just not meant to do well in any math course or if I'm just numbers retarded but I am failing FINANCE! Calgon, take me away......

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let the running begin!

I am officially in training for the Bay 2 Breakers so I need to run 3 times a week, get to a 9 minute mile mark, and lose about 15 lbs. by May....Bring on the pain! Running has been clinically proven to increase focus and energy level, a sound body equals a sound mind and right now my body is not sound, its homer-ish....DOH!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Foodie Quest

Me and my wife Marissa saw the movie Julie and Julia and decided to bite their idea. We are going to try to eat every item on the 7X7 list of best food bites in SF. There are 100 different items so its going to take 100 weekends to finish!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 5

Skipped 2 days to spend time with my bro jp at superfranks (basically a giant playground party for toddlers). Waiting for my wifee whos getting bubble tea drinks from a place called i-cafe.....if you haven't tried tapioca drinks, I highly recommend them!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 2.5

Stuck in a Finance class....why is money so boring!?! Going over bond values and bond pricing might just be the single most uninteresting information in the history of mankind......

Day 2

Just had a group meeting and our group project is starting to take form. Busy day today: Checked out a preschool, had lunch with some ex co-workers, went to the dentist, met with my group, and went to my super long Finance class (almost 3 hours long).....Had an epiphany today: Not having a steady income sucks! I felt guilty for buying a mocha today which hasn't happened since I was Jr. High. I have to stretch my meager savings for the next two years or get a small side job as a barista or club bouncer. Or I could be a bartender like my dad was during his college days at University of Hawaii, gotta get some Benjamins......

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 1: Why am I Doing this Again?

So I'm taking a class that has a E2.0 portion. I figure the best way to learn this material would be to apply some of the principles personally and a personal blog is similar to a Enterprise blog in a lot of ways. Both are full of BS and both don't make any money......Just for introductions sake, I am a stay at home dad in the mornings, student in the afternoons and early evening, and a hot mess at night due to the commute (I hate driving) and incessant consumption of Rock Stars (They had a Costco deal so I have 48 Rock Stars to consume). I am going to continue this blog for 2 years and see what becomes of it.......